Your Website Needs Video!
Video boosts conversion to sales, it engages your audience more and it builds better relationships. People respond to videos more than just an image and especially text. It’s the world we live in now, so be sure to embrace it.
Keeping current and producing new video content is important as well. Older videos still have value, but your consumers want to see active communication and a personal touch. Using video as a marketing tool is very effective since one well designed video can be used in so many ways. Just a few ways you can distribute a video include:
Facebook and other social media
YouTube, Vimeo and other video sharing sites
An eye-catching feature on your website
Distribution on DVD
Attention-grabbing trade show displays
Embedded in PowerPoint presentations
TV commercials or infomercials
Use video freeze frames as web graphics
Online Video Consumption
Over the past few years, video has begun its massive takeover of the internet. Sites like YouTube and Vine obviously focus on video content, but video media is migrating to other platforms all over the web. According to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook has now surpassed YouTube for most desktop videos per month. If a non-video-based site can beat the video King that is YouTube, what does that mean for the rest of us?
Modern professionals need to know that this surge in video content isn’t just a trend. Video makes up over 69% of all consumer internet traffic. These estimates aren’t terribly surprising considering the nature of video. Video delivers information quickly and is much easier to digest than text content. From a business perspective, videos also increase brand awareness, sales, and loyalty, and help companies create better relationships with their customers. In order to acquire and keep consumers’ attention, you need the help of video.
Video and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Besides fostering business-consumer relationships, videos are vital for your company’s SEO. Less than 10% of people click past the first page of a Google search, so securing a coveted page one spot is crucial. The more kinds of content your business posts online, the better your chances of landing on page one; perhaps more than once! Yes, social media, your website, and your blog are all important to SEO. However, video is unique because each YouTube or Vimeo upload gives you a new, individual chance of showing up on Google. If you owned a local ice cream shop, wouldn’t you be thrilled to see the search “ice cream in Your Town USA” turn up multiple links that drive traffic to your site? Uploading video content can absolutely help achieve your SEO goals.
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