A camera jib is like a small crane.  It provides smooth motion thanks to a long extended arm on a ball joint with a counter balance system. The one we have at All Pro Media is extendible from 6 feet up to twenty and has a remote control system, which allows for those extreme shots where an operator can’t physically be in contact with the camera.

Two techniques you can use to create engagement and add drama to your video when shooting are dynamic camera angles and camera movement. This can be done in a limited fashion with hand held video, but if you want a smooth professional look, it helps immensely to have a piece of equipment called a camera jib.

Everyone knows video is one of the best ways to communicate your message. When creating a video the goal is to engage your audience so they are receptive to your ideas, whether it is a TV commercial, internal corporate communication, instructional video, or seminar.

The arm can swing high and low so you can get shots anywhere from a baby crawling on the floor, all the way to a shot looking into a second story window. The jib performs supremely for automotive commercial spots, real estate promotions, music videos and other scenarios where a variety of coverage is required. We have even used one to get product shots of ceiling fans – something that would have been really difficult to do using a regular tripod, which only extends about 6’.

Sometimes it’s OK to settle for a static shot on a tripod, but when your video requires a little added production value, there’s nothing like a shot of your speaker at a podium that then sweeps out over the audience, or a birds-eye view that pans across your factory floor.

Changing the angle of view from a straight shot, to a low  or high angle, can add weight to that particular scene. It automatically creates interest by giving the audience a new perspective on what could be a normal situation. If you shoot someone from a low angle they can become more powerful as the viewer “looks up” to them. Following someone’s feet as they move through a situation could add mystery. An extreme high angle shot is a great way to set the scene where the action will take place, or you could use it to give a sense of the “bigger picture”.

A jib can also be used to create a “tracking” shot to follow a subject that is on the move. This is often achieved by a dolly or steady cam. It can be accomplished for shorter distances with a jib, and there’s no need to avoid getting the dolly track in a shot, or clearing a walking path for the cam operator.

A camera jib isn’t limited to huge sweeping motions, either. It can be moved more subtly. Add drama with a little movement to what would otherwise be a basic product shot. Sometimes a slow overhead sweep of your product or talent is just what the doctor ordered. It can also be used to transition from one subject to another in a dynamic way; moving from one point of focus to another in one fluid motion. This all helps to add energy and create visual interest.

Here is is a quick demo we put together of footage we captured at Tryon Palace, in New Bern:

If you have any questions about video production for your company, or if you would like information on camera jib crane rentals, give us a call us at 336-229-7700 or send us an email.  We’d love to talk.