Video is a powerful and effective form of communication. The use of video has increased significantly since the internet became a social hotspot. It’s now easier than ever to share videos with potential customers through social networking. So why haven’t you incorporated video into your marketing plan yet? We can assure you that it’s not just about fans and ‘likes’ on YouTube and Facebook.

Using video helps clients and consumers find you

Google is the most popular search engine as of 2013. Google bought YouTube in 2006. When a person searches for something, Google delivers the most relevant results first. Relevancy is based on popularity. Videos and links are the most shareable content online. When videos are shared it increases the likelihood that your website will make it to the front page Google result. Not to go overboard with statistics, but being on the first page of Google results puts you above the competition. More importantly; your customers will be able to find you and that means more revenue for your business. Once they find you, the next goal is keeping them engaged…

 Video engages consumers

Viewers retain more information watching a video than reading a wall of text. If your website has an introductory video embedded on the home page, customers are more likely to navigate the rest of your website. The longer a customer stays on your website, the more likely that they will sign up for your newsletter, follow you on social media platforms, and purchase your products….

Viewers are more likely to purchase your product

Everyone values time. It’s our most precious commodity and we never seem to have enough of it. Customers appreciate a strategy that saves them time and gets the full message across. They appreciate it so much that if they watch a video on your website they are 64% more likely to make a purchase than those who don’t.  

Adding videos to your marketing plan creates an entirely new level of connection to your customers. Whether you use it for commercials and testimonials or to tell a story and teach, video is a powerful tool that will help your business grow.